TCJE in the News

Press Contact: For all media inquiries, please contact Madison Kaigh, Communications Manager, at mkaigh@TexasCJE.orgor (512) 441-8123, ext. 108.


Texas criminal justice reforms offer lessons for Oklahoma

Lawmakers in Texas say their efforts to reduce prison sizes and costs offer lessons for Oklahoma, where corrections officials are seeking hundreds of millions of dollars to build new ones.

Read the rest of this article at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Inmate who killed herself in Harris County jail had previously threatened suicide

The woman who killed herself last week in the Harris County jail while locked up on a theft charge with $1,500 bail had threatened suicide at least once in the days before her death, according to sources familiar with the case.

Read the rest of this article at the Houston Chronicle

Probation Failing Young Offenders

The Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, a research and advocacy organization on CJ reform, has just issued a report on the use of probation for youthful offenders in Texas.

Read the rest of this article at The Austin Chronicle

After Release, Texas Criminal Offenders Face Reentry Realities

What happens to people after they're released from the Texas criminal justice system? Probation is typically the next step, but what does that process look like and how does it work?

Read the rest of this article at Texas Public Radio's The Source. 

Harris County inmate hangs herself, marking jail's 2nd apparent suicide in a month

A Harris County inmate jailed on a theft charge died after hanging herself in a common area of the jail late Tuesday, marking the facility's second suicide in less than a month.

Read the rest of this article at the Houston Chronicle

Texas Gov. Abbott proposes tougher bail laws for defendants who represent a threat to police

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is backing an effort to keep defendants with violent pasts behind bars. On Tuesday, Abbott appeared in Waco to ask state lawmakers to pass a new law that, among other things, would require judges to set bail based partly on whether the accused person is a threat to law enforcement. 

Read the rest of this article at The Dallas Morning News. 

Texas criminal justice professionals push for more treatment options to fight opioid crisis

Criminal justice and child protective services professionals told legislators Tuesday that the state is severely lacking in treatment services to combat the opioid crisis and other substance use problems.

Read the rest of this article at the Austin American-Statesman

Lawmakers get a lesson on the drug problem in Texas, by the numbers

Drug abuse is involved 70 percent of the time when Texas Child Protective Services removes children from their families. Half of the inmates in county jails across the state have demonstrated a need for drug treatment.

Read the rest of this article at the Houston Chronicle. 

Health and Advocacy Organizations Urge the Texas Legislature to Implement Effective Strategies to Address Substance Use Disorder

A coalition of health and advocacy groups have jointly developed recommendations to address substance use disorder in Texas.

Read the rest of this press release here.

Treatment options for drug use severely lacking in Texas, experts say

The consensus was clear at the state Capitol among criminal justice and Child Protective Services professionals facing the nation’s opioid crisis: Texas needs more treatment options.

Read the rest of this article at the Austin American-Statesman