Women's Justice

In Texas, The Number Of Women Inmates Is Growing – But Support Services Aren’t

In Texas, The Number Of Women Inmates Is Growing – But Support Services Aren’t

Men comprise 91 percent of the Texas prison population, but as the number of male inmates has dropped, the female population continues to increase.

Read the rest of this article at Texas Standard.

Treat Women Prisoners with Dignity, Texas Report Says

Treat Women Prisoners with Dignity, Texas Report Says

Incarcerated women should be treated in a way that acknowledges both their special needs and their dignity, whether by barring shackles when they are pregnant, or by providing them more opportunity to connect with their families and children, says the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition (TCJC).

Read the rest of this post at The Crime Report.

New Report Highlights Issues Facing Women in Texas' Criminal Justice System

New Report Highlights Issues Facing Women in Texas' Criminal Justice System

Today, TCJC released part two of a two-part report series on women in Texas prisons and jails. An Unsupported Population: The Treatment of Women in Texas’ Criminal Justice System explores the unique issues facing women impacted by the criminal justice system and makes recommendations for programs and policies that treat women with dignity and increase the likelihood that they can successfully rejoin their families and communities.

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