Policing & Community Safety

How should Texas teach students to interact with police?

How should Texas teach students to interact with police?

A minister, activist, lawyer and police officer walk into a high school classroom... Texas' top criminal justice lawmakers are considering sending community leaders into public schools to teach ninth graders how to interact with police.

Read the rest of this article at the Texas Tribune.

DPS searches Hispanics more, finds less, Statesman analysis shows

DPS searches Hispanics more, finds less, Statesman analysis shows

Over the past five years, Hispanic motorists stopped by Texas Department of Public Safety troopers were 33 percent more likely to be searched than white drivers. Yet those inspections were less likely to result in the discovery of drugs, weapons or illegal currency than the searches performed on white drivers.

Read the rest of this article at myStatesman.

Cameras for Cops: Key details remain unresolved as proposal heads to City Council

Cameras for Cops: Key details remain unresolved as proposal heads to City Council

Next Thursday, June 9, City Council will once again take up the topic of body-worn cameras (BWCs) for the Austin Police Department. The topic was originally scheduled for May 19, but Council punted it in order for the city to have time to consider what was missing from APD's primary operating policy.

Read the rest of this article at The Austin Chronicle.

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