Publications Library

This database contains our publications dating back to 2004. NOTE: Materials dated prior to September 2021 will be authored under the organization’s former name, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition (TCJC).

Document Title Issue Area Publication Type Date
Senate Health & Human Services Interim Hearing (Programs to Improve Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration, Parole & Reentry Legislative Interim Charge Responses
Public Comments by Advocates on Proposed TJJD Rules & Section Changes
Youth Justice
Senate Government Organization Interim Hearing (State Agency Reporting)
Testimony |
Legislative Interim Charge Responses
Senate Jurisprudence Interim Hearing (School Ticketing Bill Implementation)
Testimony |
Youth Justice Legislative Interim Charge Responses
PREA: Why Texas Should and Will Comply
Youth Justice Features and Presentations
House Corrections Interim Hearing (TDCJ Visitation)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement Legislative Interim Charge Responses
House Corrections Interim Charge (Processes Within TDCJ)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration, Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry Legislative Interim Charge Responses
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
Policy Brief |
Youth Justice Reports and Issue Briefs
House Appropriations S/C on Article I, IV, and V, and Corrections Interim Hearing (Correctional Managed Health Care System)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration, Conditions of Confinement Legislative Interim Charge Responses
House County Affairs Interim Hearing (County Jails and PREA)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement, Youth Justice Legislative Interim Charge Responses
Military Veterans in the Texas Criminal Justice System
Executive Summary |
Alternatives to Incarceration, Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry Reports and Issue Briefs
House Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Interim Hearing (Expansion of Protection to Landlords)
Testimony |
Parole & Reentry Legislative Interim Charge Responses
House Homeland Security and Public Safety Interim Hearing (Driver Responsibility Program)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Legislative Interim Charge Responses
House Corrections and Criminal Jurisprudence Interim Hearing (Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Abuse)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration, Parole & Reentry, Youth Justice Legislative Interim Charge Responses
House Criminal Jurisprudence Interim Hearing (Juvenile Age of Jurisdiction)
Testimony |
Youth Justice Legislative Interim Charge Responses