Publications Library

This database contains our publications dating back to 2004. NOTE: Materials dated prior to September 2021 will be authored under the organization’s former name, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition (TCJC).

Document Title Issue Area Publication Type Date
2015 Legislative Supplement: Bill Analyses
Alternatives to Incarceration, Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry, Policing & Community Safety, Pretrial & Defense, Youth Justice Post-Session Wrap-Ups
Travis County Commissioners Court Hearing (Restore in-Person Visitation & Improve Public Safety Outcomes)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement, Pretrial & Defense Fact Sheets and Testimony
Second Chances: The Economic and Social Benefits of Expanding Drug Diversion Programs in Harris County
Report |
Alternatives to Incarceration Reports and Issue Briefs
2015 Legislative Wrap-Up
Alternatives to Incarceration, Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry, Policing & Community Safety, Pretrial & Defense, Youth Justice Post-Session Wrap-Ups
Fighting Homelessness: Housing for Individuals with a Criminal Record
Parole & Reentry Features and Presentations
House County Affairs Interim Hearing (Law Enforcement and Jail Standards)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement, Policing & Community Safety, Pretrial & Defense Legislative Interim Charge Responses
Texas Prison Resource Directory [brochure]
Conditions of Confinement Informational Flyers
HB 1363 Engrossed (Prostitution Penalties)
Fact Sheet |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
Unfinished Business: Deepening the Gains in Texas Juvenile Justice Reform
Report |
Youth Justice Reports and Issue Briefs
CSHB 3326 (Penalty Reclassification)
Comparative Chart |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
CSHB 1546 (State Jail Programming Credits)
Fact Sheet |
Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 1902 (Orders of Nondisclosure)
Fact Sheet |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
CSHB 1546 (State Jail Programming Credits)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 130 (Orders of Nondisclosure)
Fact Sheet |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
Flowchart: Status Offenders - The Path to Secure Confinement
Youth Justice Informational Flyers