Publications Library

This database contains our publications dating back to 2004. NOTE: Materials dated prior to September 2021 will be authored under the organization’s former name, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition (TCJC).

Document Title Issue Area Publication Type Date
House County Affairs and Criminal Jurisprudence Interim Hearing (Pretrial)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Legislative Interim Charge Responses
Unlock Your Vote! 2016 Elections [statewide flyer]
Parole & Reentry Informational Flyers
Unlock Your Vote! 2016 Elections [Travis County flyer]
Parole & Reentry Informational Flyers
TCJC Op-Ed: Texas Puts Money in Taxpayer Pockets, Needs to Spend Better
Alternatives to Incarceration, Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry
Making Ends Meet: The Practical Nuances of SB 653 and SB 1630
Youth Justice Features and Presentations
Opioid Abuse in Texas
Fact Sheet |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
Police Body Camera Policy in Texas
Fact Sheet |
Policing & Community Safety Fact Sheets and Testimony
Reduce Officer-Involved Shootings
Fact Sheet |
Policing & Community Safety Fact Sheets and Testimony
Reform Asset Forfeiture
Policy Brief |
Policing & Community Safety Reports and Issue Briefs
TCJC Press Release: This Father’s Day, Simple Steps to Stronger Families
Alternatives to Incarceration, Conditions of Confinement, Parole & Reentry
TCJC Op-Ed: Our Constitution Matters, and Not Just on the 4th of July
Policing & Community Safety
TCJC Press Release: This July 4th Holiday, Remember Our Founding Principles
Policing & Community Safety
Senate Criminal Justice Interim Hearing (Bulk Records Dissemination)
Testimony |
Parole & Reentry Legislative Interim Charge Responses
House Government Transparency & Operations Interim Hearing (Bulk Record Dissemination)
Testimony |
Parole & Reentry Legislative Interim Charge Responses
House Criminal Jurisprudence & Corrections Interim Hearing (Fees & Revocations)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Legislative Interim Charge Responses