Publications Library

This database contains our publications dating back to 2004. NOTE: Materials dated prior to September 2021 will be authored under the organization’s former name, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition (TCJC).

Document Title Issue Area Publication Type Date
CSHB 937 (Youth Victim Mediation)
Fact Sheet |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 3057 (Student Misbehavior)
Fact Sheet |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 1739 (External Corrections Oversight)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2803 (State Jail Sentencing)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2881 (DWI Reduction Task Force)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 3533 (Inmate Visitation)
Fact Sheet |
Conditions of Confinement Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 1388 (Juvenile Correctional Commitments)
Testimony |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 1172 (Orders of Non-Disclosure)
Fact Sheet |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2855 (Orders of Nondisclosure)
Testimony |
Parole & Reentry Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 1769 (Juvenile Fingerprinting Study)
Testimony |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 2653 (Probation Sanctions and Incentives)
Fact Sheet |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
CSHB 937 (Youth Victim Mediation)
Testimony |
Youth Justice Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 3004 (State Jail Diligent Participation Credits)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement Fact Sheets and Testimony
HB 990 (Sentencing Commission)
Testimony |
Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheets and Testimony
SB 1003 (Administrative Segregation)
Testimony |
Conditions of Confinement Fact Sheets and Testimony